Products Details

Ship Unloader/ Loader

ZPMC Bulk ship loading and ship unloading equipment ensure unrivalled flexiblity when loading and unloading a vessel. Directly unload trucks in the port/terminal to vessels and barges and elimate the double handling of bulk materials. ZPMC ship loading equipment allows you to maximise production rates and minimize labour on site. 
For loading bulk materials, like iron ore, coal, fertilizers, grains, etc., into ships for transportation by sea, shiploaders are proficient and economical.

Discharge of material from the vessel is intermittent and is usually into a machine-mounted discharge hopper, although this can be specified differently according to requirements. Once in the hopper, the process is then continuous as a belt conveyor then transports material to the relevant storage area.

These machines are particularly well-suited to import ports that discharge bulk material, especially those that discharge high volumes of material.

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